Our Courses
The CRUS Basic Course for rheumatologists and trainees introduces participants to the effective use of MSK-US in a clinical setting, with the aim to optimize clinical decision-making and therapeutic management. The course is offered over two weekend-long sessions that are spaced apart to give students the opportunity to apply their new skills in practice and receive expert feedback on scans that they submit online.
CRUS also offers a number of Advanced Courses for clinicians with MSK-US experience throughout the year. Advanced Courses courses are offered in locations across Canada and cover a range of topics relevant to the rheumatology practitioner.
Upcoming Courses
- CRUS Basic Course- October 18-19, 2025 and March 28-29, 2026
- CRUS Advanced Injection Course- November 28-30, 2025 in Ottawa, Ontario (Save the date)
- Real-life US guided infiltration course. Bring your ultra-portable machines to practice and obtain the skills to do US guided injections! High end machines provided at the course for comparison.
- Martinoli Upper Limb Course- August 21-24, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario
Course Refund Policy
Endorsed International Training Opportunities
The following international training courses are endorsed by CRUS:
- Martinoli Masters 2 Hong Kong Course Distal Upper Extremity Course March 14-16, 2025
- EULAR MSK Ultrasound Courses: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced
- ACR MSK US Course
- USSONAR: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Courses
Other Training Opportunities
The following courses have not been endorsed by CRUS, but are opportunities to learn musculoskeletal ultrasound:
- Gulf Coast Ultrasound Institute
- APLAR course
- AIUM Diagnostic and Interventional Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Sponsor Acknowledgement
CRUS gratefully acknowledges the support of our founding partner Abbvie: thank-you for your continued sponsorship of our basic, intermediate, and injection courses. Thank-you to Amgen, Pfizer, Celltrion, Eli Lilly, UBC Canada and Novartis for sponsorship of our training, basic and injection courses.
Thank-you to the technical support and provision of ultrasound machines from Esaote, GE, miSource (Philips), and Siemens for their present and past support.