Educational Resources

CRUS Resources

CRUS Learn

CRUS Members may login to CRUS Learn, our e-Learning portal that features educational videos from our courses.

CRUS Ultrasonography Guides (eBooks)

With the support of Novartis, CRUS has adapted the Ped-MUS Interactive Guide to serve as a resource resource for adult rheumatologists.

Download the CRUS Ultrasonography Guides (eBooks) in PDF format:

Endorsed Resources

Ped-MUS Interactive Guide

Ped-MUS is a global educational initiative aiming to improve quality of care of pediatric rheumatology patients. Ped-MUS provides practical training tools and resources for pediatric rheumatologists who wish to incorporate the use of musculoskeletal ultrasonography into their clinical practice.

Ped-MUS has published a free, interactive ebook on pediatric MSK ultrasonography that has been endorsed by CRUS:

The Ped-MUS website now also publishes a free joint injection eBook and basic knowledge videos that demonstrate how to scan certain joint areas.

Enthesitis Scanning Resource

This series of short video clips demonstrate the proper ultrasound scanning of selected entheseal sites in the upper and lower extremities. The videos were produced by the GRAPPA ultrasound committee to serve as educational material for sonographers to be used for research and clinical practice.

Clarius Videos

These videos provide an approach to basic scanning techniques of the upper and lower extremities. They were produced in collaboration with Dr. Bardi and Clarius and serve as an educational resource for scanning techniques used in MSK ultrasound, with a focus on rheumatology.


ECHO Study Publication

Download our publication of the ECHO study by Michael Stein, Julie Vaillancourt, Emmanouil Rampakakis, and
John S. Sampalis (2020):